Interested in being a volunteer?
To inquire about, or volunteer for, any of the following, contact, or call Rebecca MacMaster at 961-8077, ext. 204. Please take a moment and complete this online survey and share your talents and interests.
Adult Faith Development
Help coordinate spiritual formation and learning experiences for adults.
Becoming Catholic (Christian Initiation)
Teach and accompany those who want to learn about becoming Catholic, or to prepare for baptism or reception into the church.
Building and Grounds Committee
Convenes periodically to accomplish basic maintenance and facilities improvements that do not require professional skills or contractors.
Catholic Services Appeal Committee
Help organize and implement the annual fund-raising appeal that supports our parish and the ministries of the Archdiocese.
Digital & Social Media Committee
Help manage our presence on Facebook, Twitter, etc; help maintain and update our parish website using WordPress CMS.
Hospitality Committee
Provides refreshments and support for parish gatherings and celebrations. Hospitality Schedule
Liturgy Committee
Works with the Director of Music and Liturgy to provide consultation about the many facets of our liturgical life together. Click here to see the Liturgical Ministries.
Marketing Committee
Help plan and implement marketing strategies in coordination with the parish leadership.
Marriage Preparation
Accompany and support couples preparing for Marriage, in cooperation with the pastoral team and the wedding coordinator.
Marriage Support
Informal follow-up with couples who were recently married at our church (no professional counseling skills required, just a friendly disposition!)
Welcome Committee
Help organize and implement our several strategies for contacting and welcoming those who are interested in our parish, or have just moved into the downtown area (welcome baskets for condo units, welcome packets for apartment renters, etc).
Office Volunteers
Devote a few hours a month, or a few hours a week, helping with office tasks.
Pope Francis Center
Volunteers are needed in various capacities in this ministry of direct service to those experiencing homelessness on our streets. Click here for more information.
Prayer Ministry
Receive and manage requests for prayer; join in praying for those with some need. Read here a message from our Prayer Team.
Preparation for Children’s Baptism
Help prepare parents who are having their children baptized.
Visiting the Sick
Keep in touch with parishioners who are ill or in the hospital; visit in person if desired. Keep the pastoral staff informed, and invite the parish to pray for those who are ill.
Young Adult Ministry
Help organize and coordinate activities for young adults in the areas of spiritual growth, community service, and leadership development (see separate section for young adults here).