We’ve been moving at breakneck speed this entire year as we celebrate our 175th anniversary. Now, we’re on the brink of one of our biggest celebrations — our 175th Anniversary Feast Day Block Party on Sunday, June 25th (RSVP here right now if you haven’t yet!) — and, while a large part of me wants to take a long nap as soon as this is done, a larger part of me is excited to celebrate with the broader SSPP community, because it’s time to bask, even for just a few hours, in the fruits of our labors.


All of us, including you, even if you don’t think so, have contributed to the upcoming celebration. You’ve done it by attending our young adult events, volunteering for our various ministries, coming to Mass on Sundays, and celebrating big moments in your life with us. Through your effort to build community, you have made all of our work on this upcoming event worthwhile. Thanks to your faith, your generosity, and your love for each other, we have a legacy worth rejoicing in.


The festivities don’t end on June 25th. There are so many more upcoming events, including our 175th Anniversary History Presentation with City of Detroit Historian Jamon Jordan (RSVP available now!) on Tuesday, July 18th, service opportunities at Mercado Food Hub, a special jazz concert in August, and so much more. Check out our website for more information on these and so many more ways to get involved.


In the meantime, I will hold off on my nap and take heart in knowing the fruits of all our labor will soon ripen. I can’t wait to celebrate this amazing community – one that has grown and changed so much over the course of 175 years — and its commitment to faith, service and togetherness.